How do you feel about setting goals?

It was about this time last year that I started to think about what I wanted to achieve in 2021. I wrote down 2 things I wanted to achieve in my business and career and 1 personal goal. They all felt huge when I first wrote them down. 

My personal goal was to run a ½ marathon. At that time I could probably run 5km before I felt like I was going to be sick and I was having to force myself to get out there and run every time. 

How did I use goal setting to achieve the seemingly unachievable?

  • I wrote it down and stuck it up in my office somewhere I would see it everyday.

  • I broke down that huge goal into smaller steps - What did I want to be able to do 1 month before, 2 months before etc. 

  • I researched training plans and nutrition. 

  • I visualised myself crossing that finish line especially when it started to get painful on the longer runs. 

  • I focussed on the sense of achievement I would feel.

  • I used a variety of podcasts and music to distract my brain from telling me to give up. 

  • I rewarded myself when I went that little bit further each time. 

  • I gave myself compassion when I got a bad cold and knew that going for a run was going to make it worse. 

    But it hasn’t always been like this for me…

I vividly remember back in 2017 when I had my first taste of coaching. I was asked about what goals I wanted to set myself - I had no clue! 

I had had ideas about what I wanted to do which sometimes worked out and sometimes didn’t. The idea that I could actually set the outcomes that I wanted in my life and create a step by step action plan towards achieving it was incredibly empowering. 

It was the gift that keeps on giving!

Not only has setting goals ever since given me the vision and purpose that I needed to make significant changes in my career and subsequent business but it helped me run a 1//2 marathon!

Do you set goals for yourself?

How do you feel about setting them?


“You are too passionate about what you do”


Let’s talk burnout!