Let’s talk burnout!

Burnout is a topic that gets a fair amount of media coverage these days, and for good reason!

As humans we thrive on connection and certainty, so the last 18 months have been an incubator for burnout! In a recent large US study of working age people, it was reported that 52% of participants were experiencing burnout, up nearly 10% on pre-covid levels.

Burnout is more than just feeling stressed or anxious. In the short term, stress can be a positive in our lives if channelled effectively. It’s the result of long-term stress and anxiety levels that haven’t been allowed to return and recover to normal levels. It leads to exhaustion and the inability of the body to function effectively.

The signs of burnout are:

·       Physical: muscle tension, sleep disturbance, headaches, digestion problems and chest pain.

·       Emotional: anger, cynicism, guilt, lack of self-esteem.

·       Behavioural: forgetfulness, over-eating, withdrawal.

Most people don’t know they are burnout until they are! Building our self-awareness and prioritising ourselves is key to recovery – I speak from experience! Having the tools to recover is essential.

My top 10 tips/tools:

1)      Talk to trusted friends and family and identify people in your network who can help you.

2)      Know your work/life boundaries and let everyone else know them too.

3)      Schedule into your day, just like you would a meeting, regular breaks and physically step away from work during that time.

4)      Make fresh air a priority everyday, get outside even if its just a quick walk.

5)      List out your causes of stress and then control the controllables: What can you control and what can’t you control? Let go of what you can’t control.

6)      Spend 30 mins before bed on a ‘wind down’ routine.

7)      Commit to one mindful habit at the same time every day: a gratitude journal, yoga, a form of exercise, meditation.

8)      Draw a line under a ‘bad day’ and then start afresh the next.

9)      Rather than keeping on adding to a never ending to do list, identify 3 things to prioritise and focus on just that first, anything else you do is a bonus.

10)   Build up a picture of what you want instead: use all the senses, what are you seeing, hearing, feeling? A coach will help you do this and give you the accountability to put the action in place to make it a reality.

If you feel burnout and want support to regain balance and fulfilment in your life, get in touch info@kategreavescoaching.co.uk




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Drop the guilt…